16 Feb 2018 Winter Olympics and Drones
Organisers of the 2018 Winter Olympics will reportedly use “drone-catching drones” to intercept any potential safety threats via air in Pyeongchang amid concerns the devices could be used to interrupt competition.
These drones will catch other drones if one is detected approaching an event via radar by deploying a net to inhibit any airborne craft that encroaches upon the events in Pyeongchang, although more rigorous measures-such as helicopters-are also available.
The main fear is that terrorists may look to use the remote-controlled machines to carry bombs towards crowd members or athletes. The security is said to be 60,000 strong including 50,000 South Korean soldiers and a SWAT team.
As drones become more readily available, the technology has caught the eye of public safety officials who see them as a new tool to keep first responders and the public safe. As growing interest among law enforcement and emergency medical providers in using unmanned aircraft systems has prompted an aviation technology group to develop some best practices and spread the word about what is happening.
Drones are already widely used in transportation departments, law enforcement, and other agencies. They include dealing with active shooters, documenting crime scenes, monitoring crowds and assessing the damage caused by natural disasters.
Large events like the Winter Olympics can get out of hand at a fast rate. To use drones for commercial purpose, the pilot must have a license and insurance from a drone specialist. These specialists possess their FAA license and are acquainted with all the rules and regulations established by FAA and know what weather is safe for flight. A licensed drone pilot can also be the middleman between you and a lawsuit. Most pilots have liability insurance and leave no stone unturned for your project.
If you are looking for a highly qualified drone company for your event, whether it be for safety, photography, videography, or surveying: contact V-Drone. We have a team of highly skilled individuals that can take your event above and beyond your wildest dreams.
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